The Gallery of Artists and Catalogue of Works

/The Catalogue of Works

Walther Firle – The cigar makers

Emilio Ambron – Landscape

Emilio Ambron – Woman’s face with shawl

Emilio Ambron – Woman face

Emilio Ambron – African woman

Emilio Ambron – Balinese dancer

Baccio Maria Bacci – Women under the poplar

Baccio Maria Bacci – On the Piave

Baccio Maria Bacci – The watermelon

Baccio Maria Bacci – The melon

Baccio Maria Bacci – Evening in Maremma

Baccio Maria Bacci – Malcantone

Baccio Maria Bacci – The vagabonds

Adolfo Balduini – Reflected church

Adolfo Balduini – Chestnuts beating

Lionello Balestrieri – Tristan’s death

Lionello Balestrieri – Interrupted harmonies

Giovanni Bartolena – Still life with flowers and courgettes

Giovanni Bartolena – Still life with carnations

Giovanni Bartolena – Red flowers in a ceramic bowl

Giovanni Bartolena – Grapes and figs

Giovanni Bartolena – Still life with figs and water-melons

Giovanni Bartolena – Still life with aubergines

Giovanni Bartolena – At the race-course

Giovanni Bartolena – Farmhouses with straw-huts